Last week and this one were really busy. Sorry about the interruption to the blogging.
Anyhoo, Election Day dawned early, as in I got up at 4AM. It was a long day. We were there until 9:30PM. One of my co-workers at the poll sneezed on me and everyone else all day long. She claimed it was allergies, but, you guessed it-she was sick. So I caught her cold. Lovely. I have been sick all week. I am starting to feel better, thanks to massive amounts of ColdEeze, Airborne and Advil. I have to sing the National Anthem at a Congressional District conference tomorrow. I was worried about my voice all week, but I tried singing on my lunch hour at home, and I sound okay. My friend Gordon offered to sing for me and I could lipsync. Good one, Gordon. Think they would notice the voice difference?
Last week was busy. Besides working at the polls on Tuesday, it was Holy Week. So, on Thursday evening, I got my feet washed at church and then I washed the feet of others. Friday I helped decorate the church after Good Friday services. It took a really long time. We started at 3PM, ended at 5PM and then started back up again at 8PM. We then worked until 1AM and we still were not done. I had other stuff to do on Saturday, which included all the stuff I was going to do on Friday as well. Then we went to church for Easter Vigil from 8:15-11:15PM. I got up at 5AM on Easter so that I could drive to Sheboygan to go to church there and visit my family. No wonder I got sick.
In there I managed to finish and block my green shawl. I started a new one. I will post pictures of them soon.
In between all that, it became all springy outside. My daffodils are really blooming now. When I was home at lunch I noticed that the leaves on the lilac bushes are going to come out soon. I saw forsythia blooming in someone else's yard. Ours would be blooming, but the evil bunnies in the yard chewed the heck out of the forsythia bush this winter. I fed them as much as possible, but apparently it wasn't enough.
Still working on Churchill's conversion to leash boy. He is interested in the outside, but I haven't really had time to work with him. Maybe I can teach him how to rake the lawn soon.