Holy Cow, where did October go? I've been really busy--between Paulette's and my party and other things, time just got away from me.
And I am still knitting on the same slipped stitch sock--the first one in the pair! I have not even had time or the will to knit much lately. When I sit down I fall asleep. Having a cold or whatever I have now isn't helping. I have other things I need to knit. Perhaps I will get some done this weekend. There are no major home improvement projects on the schedule for then. All I need to do is switch my summer and winter clothing around on Saturday--oh, and go to the yarn store to get my socks back from the Socktober contest. They probably will demand sunglasses and all sorts of celebrity things when they come back home from being stars on display with a lot of other lovely socks!
The party was lots of fun at our house. Having 40 or so people at our little house was interesting--they were in the back yard, in the kitchen, living room, dining room and porch. And they ate almost an entire sheet cake (flavor: hickory nut) and an entire large Nesco roaster of chili. The cats didn't hide too much either. Jefferson got fun poked at him because he is such a large handsome kitty (people don't understand, do they Jeffy?). Churchill slept on Paulette's bed in full view of everyone in the dining room.
My car has been restored to loveliness. Gone are the stone chips and scratches on the bumper--and the owie from it's accident.
I'm still trying to understand that it's November now. The calendar says so, but it's hard to believe. Thanksgiving will be here sooner than we know.