First, before I start, I want to wish a Happy Birthday to my sister Donna! Hope you're having a good day!
It has been a really busy week. I have had to go to something every evening after work this week. Ugh. I am excited that I get to stay home this evening! Billy will be extra excited. He gets lonely by himself, poor little guy.
Monday it was setting up the county fair booth for our Labor Council:
Pictured from left to right: Paulette (treasurer), me (secretary), Joan Kaeding (vice president), Larry Lautenschlager (president).
Tuesday evening it was the Worship Committee meeting at church.
Wednesday evening it was a United Way Board of Directors meeting and then Knit Night.
Picture from last week's Knit Night of Mandi Isaacson with the bunny baby blanket she made for a gift.
Thursday it was a Labor Picnic at the state Governor's Mansion:
Here's Paulette in front of the Mansion.
Here's me standing under the "Forward" garden arch.
View of the side.
View of the back (taken from the gardens), where the picnic was being held.
Aren't they pretty?
Public dining room.
Formal sitting room.
View of the State Capitol from the shoreline.
The Governor's fire pit. Okay, there's a story here. As we were walking up the driveway to the house, I wondered out loud if the Governor had a fire pit like a lot of us do in our backyard. Paulette wondered that if he did, would it be a metal tire rim like in the state parks. Well, this wasn't visible until I went down a stairway to the shoreline. I started laughing because I didn't expect that I would see this. Some of my friends wanted to put a match in it, since the wood is already laid out for a fire.
The Mansion's grounds were smaller than what I thought they would be. I don't know what I was expecting. The gardens are off to the left when you come up the driveway, which is an ellipse like the White House.
I leave you with something totally unrelated to all of the above. Ever in search of new laundry aids, I found this in the grocery store:
I had seen it in a magazine ad. This works really great, better than OxyClean! The drawback is that there are only 10 little pillows per package.
Have a good weekend, and happy stain removal!