Our union brothers and sisters vigiling inside the capital building
Our counter rally against the Americans for Prosperity conservative group
Much knitting was accomplished on the bus ride there and back. I am almost done with the leg of the first sock.
Oh, and to the a-hole who left a stupid comment on my blog--I was on personal leave time, so stick it up your hinder. I have to provide library services to whomever comes into the library and help them find the answers to whatever thing they want to find. It's my job and I enjoy doing it for the most part. It's stupid people who think that I don't deserve a raise or health care because I am a public employee who piss me off. I pay taxes as well, so don't think this stuff doesn't affect me or my fellow employees who provide valuable services to the people of Wisconsin. I also could make much more money in the public sector, but I feel useful where I am. We have bargained for the fringe benefits we have and we have voluntarily in a lot of cases taken a smaller raise in exchange for our benefits. Would YOU like to take care of mentally ill people, criminals, plow roads when everyone else is asleep, pick up garbage, provide library services and put up with homeless people in the library and people who use the library as a defacto day care center, supervise private contractors who are always trying to rip off the state, put up with people's dumb comments about how we are less than human because we work for the state, well I could go on and on. Whomever you are (chickens*&% didn't leave your name), I will provide library services to you and your family, no matter how much I disagree with you or detest you because it's what I am paid to do and what I believe in. So stick that where the sun don't shine. I can provide you with a gently used knitting needle to help stick it up there further.
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