My right arm is not so happy. I seem to have developed tendonitis in my arm from the rollering of paint onto the fence. It's been a new adventure in pain combing my hair, brushing my teeth, shaking hands with people at church on Sunday, and spraying on hair spray. It is getting better a little every day. However, knitting seems to be just fine!
On the knitting front, I went on a jaunt on Saturday to Iris Fine Yarns to take my socks there for the contest and also to Yarns By Design. Money changed hands. Like the Yarn Harlot, I succumbed to the shiny newness of the just purchased yarns. I am now knitting a pair of socks from the Interweave Press sock book with Lucy Neatby Celestial Merino sock yarn in the Sugar Maple colorway. It's so fall-y! Not that I didn't like the sparkly yarn, but I was really in the mood for fall colored socks.
The car front remains active. Yesterday on the way to the store, a person decided to turn left from the right hand lane--into my car. I am not happy. It was towed away because part of the wheel well is rubbing on the passenger side front tire. I am also unhappy because I have a lot of driving to do this week and now I had to rent a car. I drive a Chevrolet Cavalier. So of course, by luck of the draw, I get to rent a minivan. Yippee, I feel like I am driving a land yacht. My apologies to those who drive them, but I am used to my little car. I am unhurt, but I mourn for my car. It is at the car place waiting to have an insurance person look at it. At least the other person apologized and had insurance. Look out people of Madison--I will be coming to your city in a large vehicle on Thursday. For the record, the police lady told me that it was totally the other person's fault. Duh.
1 comment:
I am having a pity-party for you out here in Colorado. Your arm and your car? Someone is "piling on" -- in football terms. so sorry. JK
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