Friday, January 11, 2008

Hey, it's Friday again

It's been a busy week, so I haven't had time to post anything. Or, for that matter, knit much. I had meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday (no Knitting at Starbucks this week, I am so sad) and Thursday evenings. No wonder I am tired.

I finally turned the heel on the sock I'm making yesterday. Don't have it with me, so a picture will have to wait until another time. The pattern I am using, "Undulating Ribs" socks is turning out to be more of a challenge than I thought it would. After you pick up the gusset stitches, it becomes a kind of interpretive dance to try and figure out what the person who wrote that pattern was thinking. I figured it out--eventually. That and the needle size choice on the pattern writer's part--you are supposed to begin with size 4s and then decrease after 3 1/2 inches to 3s, is just kind of weird. I am using size ones and it's turning out to be a good size. If I would have used 4s, these socks would fit an elephant. My sister would not have appreciated socks that she could use as grocery sacks, I think.

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