Monday, March 10, 2008

Knit Knot and stuff

Here's a picture of public knitting art in Ohio:

A link to the article on the tree:

Not that I'm saying I'll be knitting tree sweaters anytime soon. I have enough with the stuff I am knitting.

Got a lot done on my socks this weekend. I am looking forward to knitting gloves with the Alpaca Sox yarn I bought a few weeks ago. Phyllis at Iris thinks I'm nuts. She has never personally knit gloves. I love Phyllis--I got a glove and mitten knitting book up there for $3.00 with an Iris card that was $5 from being full. Lots of good patterns in there.

You know, why is it that in order for something to be considered art it sometimes has to look weird. Like the above picture. I consider everyone's needlework a work of art. When did such lovely stuff as knitting become downgraded to just a craft? There are some things I have seen knitted out there that should be framed and hung on a wall they are so lovely. But yet, our stuff is ignored unless we do something weird with it. Knitters, unite!! Our stuff is a work of art and we're not going to take it any more!

1 comment:

jafabrit said...

While I am not a knitter per se but a multi media artist who can knit, I can say I have enormous respect for crafts such as knitting. I can't get my head around the snobbery when it comes to the line between art and craft. Some of the knitting out there just blows my mind, it is brilliant and if we have helped in some way, then I am very happy.

regards Corrine